Friday, November 14, 2008

Daily Christian Dying

I'm plagiarizing today...I copied this off of my son's myspace blog...thought it would be a good post.

"Daily Christian living is daily Christian dying...what does it mean to give it all for God?

Die daily, to things that snare us, things that are not in line with Him, thoughts, words & actions; be aware daily that without Him, we are but a mere speck, a gnat on an elephant in a galaxy of Africa's.

To die is gain, to get past me, to know we were made to glorify Him. It's not enough to live it only on Sunday or Wednesday, we must live it DAILY.

To rescue the perishing, knowing that without Him, I am at the top of the list.

Do you want to live? Then today, choose to die.†"

Pretty strong words, huh?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Here I Am

"Here I am Lord, have your way in me, use me for You, let all people see, that You are the Son, the Son of God."

I've worshipped to that song so many times that I can recite it without trying. Today, however, I realized, as I was hurrying the kids up, irritated that one of them had wet the bed, again, that I haven't really been living it. I've griped about the weather, been tempermental, name a few. I certainly have not "let my light shine so the world can see, let my light bring glory to Your name."

But in the mist of my self-condemnation, I call to mind (or does He?), that, "now there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1 is my mantra, when the enemy continues to stab me with guilt--that he would I, too--I recall the precious words Paul was inspired to pen.

Growth always comes with some discomfort; am I willing to grow despite pain? I pray it is so. I also need to daily surrender my life, rather than try to follow my own will and then try and squeeze God into that will.

So, Here I am Lord, have Your way in me. Gut my heart, clear the cobwebs, re-shelve the west wing. Without total remodeling, I can never hope to be what I sing so loudly in service.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

(always had to nap hugging his pups! 7 years old)

Well, son, you are one year closer to being a "man." But...didn't you already decide that you were going to put away childish things? I remember clearly our conversation about there not being any "teenagers" in the Bible. I pray you keep true.

It's been tough watching you grow up, trying to cherish each and every moment, one minute wanting you to grow up and the next wishing you were still a little guy crawling in my lap. I will ask for your forgiveness now, as I am sure to get even more clingy with you now as your big brother prepares to head off to Austin in less than one year.
I pray that you continue to look forward to 180. I pray you grow strong enough to lead your own destiny. I pray that the God you seek so often will start reflecting in your daily decisions, in your relationships, and in your everyday walk.

I cannot thank Dad enough for finally bringing you home. And even though there are many times that I know you hate being homeschooled, I can also see that it's now an internal struggle, and that your good days are outnumbering your bad. I cannot thank God enough for speaking His wishes so clearly to have you home.

Most of all, I love you deeply, son. I know that God has given you to me, and that you are His and are simply on loan to me. I pray that I make the decisions He would have me make, and that it brings you joy in the process.

Happy birthday, my love!

(the b-day boy...not much has changed in 8 years!)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Got your attention?

Now I'm not going to use this as a platform to spew politics, that's one area I don't usually touch unless face to face. But...what does a win for Obama mean?

First, let me say that the way the campaigning has gone for several months, you'd think the decision made on November 4, 2008 would herald in a utopic state, regardless of who was chosen to run this country. Will it?

The gloom & doomers would predict one thing, the hopefuls another. What's changed?

Okay, far be it for me to say that last night's victory for Obama was not is. I am going to go out on a ledge now, but he erased the excuses. No more minority "boo-hoo," no more majority "ha-ha." No longer can we as minorities state that we don't have a fair advantage, no more can we say poor me. The bar has been raised for some, and for others, higher still.

But does November 5, 2008 and on have the sun still coming up in the east and setting in the west? Yes. Am I still a homeschooling mama? Yes. Does my Lord and King still reign? Certainly. I can't help but wonder if the 1st Tuesday of November, every four years, has people thinking that God steps off the throne. The way some of the people were carrying on for the last few months certainly did make me pause!

I am an American, first and foremost. I claim my roots to Spain & Mexican-Indian. My biological children can claim Spanish, Mexican-Indian & Italian to their roots, plus they were born in Germany, which means they can also claim German citizenship. My adopted children are anglo, anglo mix, African-American mix, and Mexican descent. They are all, also, American's.

After American, we are Monarchists. We honor only One King, One Ruler, One God. He is a respector of no persons, but deserves all of our respect. We allow Him to rule our lives, not always without a struggle, as the enemy wanders around, seeking whom he may devour.

We struggle, we fall, but with His Grace, we can get back up again. As we head in a four-year "new era," let's not forget that God is still God, He is still on the throne, and He remains as always unchanged. Trust, and He will lead....regardless of who is the White House!