Monday, November 10, 2008

Here I Am

"Here I am Lord, have your way in me, use me for You, let all people see, that You are the Son, the Son of God."

I've worshipped to that song so many times that I can recite it without trying. Today, however, I realized, as I was hurrying the kids up, irritated that one of them had wet the bed, again, that I haven't really been living it. I've griped about the weather, been tempermental, name a few. I certainly have not "let my light shine so the world can see, let my light bring glory to Your name."

But in the mist of my self-condemnation, I call to mind (or does He?), that, "now there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1 is my mantra, when the enemy continues to stab me with guilt--that he would I, too--I recall the precious words Paul was inspired to pen.

Growth always comes with some discomfort; am I willing to grow despite pain? I pray it is so. I also need to daily surrender my life, rather than try to follow my own will and then try and squeeze God into that will.

So, Here I am Lord, have Your way in me. Gut my heart, clear the cobwebs, re-shelve the west wing. Without total remodeling, I can never hope to be what I sing so loudly in service.

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