Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I am the wretch

I have a shirt that I bought at that states "I am the wretch the song refers to." It's crazy how many times I've had people ask me "what does that mean?" and worse, "No you're not!". Truly, the 2nd one is worse.

First, what does it mean? (besides the obvious). I am a sinner, saved by grace. But, I won't let Satan deceive me by not letting me take it further....I am also 100% worthy, wholly eligible, absolutely a co-heir with Christ...not because of anything I've done, but because of what He's done for me.

I'm forgiven...need I say more? My son has a favorite saying..."daily Christian dying." I didn't understand it at first, but, like the guy he is, he reminded me that I must die to self, to everything that does not coincide with the Word. So now, I'm trying to live it...that is, to die it.

But when I hear "no, you're not," I cringe...simply because I know the truth. I know my past, and I am grateful my God is a forgiving God. Because of what Christ did for me on the cross, I also have eternal life...I have a place set aside for me when we join Him at the heavenly feast.

Christ died for me, the least I can do is live for Him.

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