Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Joy

My oldest son is getting ready to graduate. Only a few more months and he's off into the world. Kind of scary, since he's been homeschooled most of his life. I'm scared, some for him, mostly for me. Is it selfish to be afraid of not having him next to me? For 18 years, what a joy he's been!
I have a very special bond with him. He's my helper and the one I lean on when the homeschool day gets tough. He instinctively knows when I'm hanging on by a thread and am only willing myself to continue the day. Thankfully for him, that doesn't happen often. Oh, what a joy he is!

He's unsure what he wants to do. He's a very gifted artist, but is unsure if he wants to do this for a living. He has a passion for Christ that shames me when I think of myself at his age. He wants to be a fireman, an architect, an artist for God, spend three years with Master's Commission, can't wait to fall in love, prays to marry a godly woman...what a joy he is!

Others don't always understand him. A difficult birthing left him with the inability to think abstractly. He tries harder than anyone I have ever met, and I am not being biased. What comes easy and natural for most comes at a sweat for him. And still, what a joy he is!

As a big brother, he looks out for the younger ones, yet can tease them endlessly. One minute he's poking fun, the next he's saying sorry. Although he only has one biological brother, he's accepted his adopted siblings with ease, even though at times he feels like he's been pushed aside. And yet, he has remained a joy.

With unfathomable love, in a day of myspace, texting and hooking up, this young man has tried hard to stay true to His God. He's given into temptation, repented, and fallen again, but always manages to get right back up. Yes, what a joy he will always be!

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