Friday, October 31, 2008

To Trick? To Treat?

This seems to be a hot topic among Christians today...and everyone has an opinion, so, why not me?

We used to celebrate Halloween the way everyone did...going all out on the decorations, spending an idiot amount of money on costumes, candy, pumpkin name it. I have some great pictures of the kids when they were younger. Both of my oldest kids are gifted artists and the pumpkins they carved were truly amazing.

I myself grew up going door to door begging for candy on this night. I remember our neighbors would make popcorn balls from scratch. We had other neighbors give us home-made candy apples and fresh cookies. My parents themselves sat on the porch handing out candy, and woe to the child who did not say thank you as they walked off. (and by the way, I'm not yet 40 so I'm not rhapsodizing Little House on the Prairie times.)

So, the debate of whether Christians should celebrate or not, is not my top concern. We all have to answer for our own actions. What saddens me is that my kids have never known a time when they could walk down the street and not worry about getting accosted, have never had a care-free spirit of eating homemade popcorn balls and candy apples (unless I made them...and after eating my treats, they don't usually ask for more--okay, so I can't cook well!) We didn't know about child-molesters, tainted candy and other such misery. Our children are growing up with it.

So, what do we do? First, let me say that there is a neighbor who locks her gate and has a sign posted "sorry, children, we are Christians and we don't celebrate evil. Please don't ring the bell." Has this person opened herself up to witnessing? Before knowing the Lord, I made sure I steered clear of that "nut-case." I couldn't believe these people were so judgemental. Now, asCheck Spelling a Christian...I still steer clear of that person, and I still can't believe they are so judgemental (am I judging?). We are called to be witnesses to Christ, of knowing Him and making Him known. Does hiding behind locked doors to "stay away from evil" provide an opportunity for doing as I have been commissioned? I don't believe so.

I am still a sinner, I still depend on the blood of Christ to cleanse me, I still talk to everyone who will respond. So, again, what do we do? My children still dress up, albeit not in scary costumes, they hit a few blocks of begging, and then come home and wait for us to inspect the candy. My oldest sits on the porch and hands out candy with bible verses attached...the little we do on this night may not be much, but we try to do what we can. After the inspection, we turn off the lights, I pop popcorn, mix it with candy, eat caramel apples I made (sometimes) and we watch movies. This is our little routine.

I've done the research and know more about the history of Halloween than most people, but I've also prayed about this, and my children have prayed about it. Tonight, as we prepare to hit a few blocks and beg for candy, I will keep in mind my Lord, long for the old days, then come home and pig out with my kids...what can be better than that?!

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