Friday, September 4, 2009

Colossions 3:16

This morning my pc wouldn't turn wouldn't boot. Can you imagine?? I did everything I could, called the manufacturer, called the place I bought it, and just about had a nervous breakdown. I proceeded to panic, knowing that a crash means I've lost everything. What about my kids' pictures, their birthday parties, their silly moments...what about my son's pictures from Peru? My documents, my saved emails, my devotions? In the midst of it, I nearly cried!

When I slowed down long enough to take a breath, I realized just how distressed I was. I asked the Lord for clarification, then conviction, and that's when it happened. HE ANSWERED ME! I could hear Him! And, as it sometimes goes, I didn't really like what I was hearing (at the time).

He made me realize just how much of an idol I had made my PC, without even knowing it. Worse, He asked me where my gratitude was, since my mood was just souring by the moment. What about everything He's given me....all of the blessings that have been poured into our family?

Opening my bible, my eyes fell on Colossians 3:16, which says,
  • "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God."

Where was my gratitude?

Shame. After I stubbornly let go of the mood, shame settled in. But, Praise God, He comforted me. He brought to mind Romans 8:1, and there is no condemnation on me because I was being an ingrate! He also took away the shame. Best of all, He brought to mind all of the other things I can be grateful for, and the list went on and on! So, even though we had to take our pc to the pc doctor, I have been in probably the best mood that I have been in such a long time!

How wonderful our Lord is, when we give Him the chance. Someday I'll learn!

By the way...I'm on my son's's that for being an ingrate?!!

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